Aminet 19
Aminet 19 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 1997].iso
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Frequently Asked Questions: ChanServ -- StarOne Channel Service Bot
Version 0.1 (c) 1996 by DmonKilla!dmonkilla@scv.net (all rights reserved)
This FAQ answers the most commonly asked questions asked by the users
of StarOne regarding the Channel Service bot ChanServ.
Q: How do I register a channel?
A: Registering a channel is easy. You can register a channel several
ways. You can ask the IRCOPS, or you can do it yourself. Here is
how to register a channel.
q: I want to register a channel without a password, how?
a: /msg ChanServ register #channelname
q: I want to register a channel with a password, how?
a: /msg ChanServ register #channelname my_password
Note: The my_password is *NOT* your password when you log in to
your internet account! Just pick an arbitrary password! The bot
will add *BOTH* your regular usre@host and the ip (numeric) address.
Q: Damn it! I screwed up my registeration! How do I unregister?
A: Easy. Just type /msg ChanServ unregister #channelname
Q: I registered a channel and forgot my password, now I can't
unregister my channel!
A: If this happens, ask an IRCOP to unregister the channel for you.
Q: Okay, I registered my channel, but I'm not getting autoops!
A: There may be couple things that may cause this problem.
o Do "/msg ChanServ find #yourchannelname *" and see if your
address is the same as your /whois address. If not, go to the
IRCOP channel and request help.
o Did you set a password? If so, the bot will not autoop you.
It would be sort of senseless to have the bot autoop you if
you have a set a password. It would defeat its own purpose. I
mean, didn't you set the password so you can verify yourself
before getting ops?
Q: Okay, I set a password -- how do I authenticate yourself?
A: There is no authentication command. You will have to make your
password the last thing you send in in each command. If you are
requestion ops, then type /msg ChanServ op #channel nick password
Q: Why do I have to send in the password each time? It's annoying!
A: This is due to the security hole on a bot like X/W on Undernet.
Once you verify yourself, anyone can fake your address and get
access to the bot. The way ChanServ does it, it is more secure,
thus reducing the possibility of potential trouble.
Q: How do I add people to my userlist on ChanServ?
A: /msg ChanServ add #chan nick user@host lvl auto protect password
/msg ChanServ add #chan nick
is the basic syntax. Here is a more indepth explanation.
Under the first format:
o #chan : the channel, of course
o nick : the nickname, of course
o user@host : this is the address you see when you do /whois
o lvl : the level
o auto : autoops. 0 = OFF and 1 = ON
o protect : protection. 0 = OFF and 1 = ON
o password : password. 0 = NONE and anything else = password
Undeer the second format:
o #chan : the channel
o nick : the nickname
o The bot will automatically fetch the user@host of the nick
you specify. This is a convenient way of adding users. The
bot will give the default level of 50 with autoops ON.
Note: The user@host must use wildcards if the user@host of the
user is dynamic (means it changes all the time). For help on
using wildcards, type /msg ChanServ help wild
Here are few examples:
/msg ChanServ add #la john john@*.clark.net 70 0 0 0
* add john at level 70. Autoop off, protect off, password NONE
/msg ChanServ add #la john john@*.clark.net 70 1 0 0
* add john at level 70. Autoop off, protect on, password NONE
/msg ChanServ add #la john john@*.clark.net 70 0 1 0
* add john at level 70. Autoop off, protect on, password NONE
/msg ChanServ add #la john john@*.clark.net 70 1 1 ch#2
* add john at level 70. Autoop on, protect on, password ch#2
Q: How do I set a password for a user after I have added them?
A: You cannot set a password for a user after you have added them.
You can only set the password WHEN you add them. They will have
to set the password themselves. If you must set the password for
them for some reason, delete the user and readd them, giving
a new password.
Q: How can I set an autoop or a protect for a user I have added?
A: The answer is same for the previous question. Look above.
Q: How can I delete a user? He isn't worthy anymore.
A: /msg ChanServ rem #channel nick. If you do not know the nickname
you have added the user under, see the question below.
Q: I'm dying to know my servents. How do I see my userlist?
A: There are several ways to access the userlist.
/msg ChanServ find #channel nick
* display the information on specified nick
/msg ChanServ find #channel *nick*
* display the information on sepcified nick with wildcards
* if you do not know wildcards, do /msg ChanServ help wild
/msg ChanServ find #channel john@*.clark.net
* display the information on the specified user@host
/msg ChanServ find #channel *
* display the entire userlist database
/msg ChanServ find * *
* display the ChanServ OPERATORS.
Q: I'm a paranoid freak! How do I set my password?
A: To set your password type, /msg ChanServ pass #channel password
o If you have not set a password, this will set it for you.
o If you have already set a password:
/msg ChanServ pass #channel new_pass current_pass
o If you do not want a password:
/msg ChanServ pass #channel 0 current_pass
Q: I would like autoops! How do I set my autoops?
A: /msg ChanServ set #channel autoop 0 or 1
Q: I want to be pampered! How do I set my protection?
A: /msg ChanServ set #channel protect 0 or 1
Q: Is this all the command that the bot can do? This sucks!
A: No. There are many other commands. To get a list of all the of
the commands, type /msg ChanServ help. To get further help on
the command, type /msg ChanServ help command_name. Only the
essential commands have been covered in this FAQ. For the others,
you will have to put your fingers to some work.
Q: I feel really sad leaving this FAQ :~(~ Anything else I should
know before I say goodbye?
A: Yes, be *SURE* to read the help on help, and help on wild. These
two help files will be the quintessence for many commands. Type
/msg ChanServ help help
/msg ChanServ help wild
when you get on-line. Read them thoroughly!
Any suggestions, comments, etc., please email dmonkilla@scv.net
All the typos, grammar imperfections, or any other faults in this FAQ
is copyrighted by all4u!times9@clark.net. In essence, this FAQ is
perfect. If you ever heard of the saying that "you are perfect within
your imperfection," then it is shown here. Why? Here is why.
This FAQ is so perfect there is nothign wrong with it. But you may
think that relative to this world of pure imperfections, being perfect
is the same as being imperfect. Ah.. that is the core of it all! This
FAQ is imperfect through perfection, thus becoming imperfect like all
the imperfect things in this world. It is therefore, imperfect, and
furthermore, because it is imperfect through perfection, it is perfect.
Add to the fact that it was perfect in the first place. So you see,
it does not make any difference whether or not this FAQ is perfect
or imperfect with its many typos and gramatical errors. No matter which
way you look at it, this FAQ is *PERFECTION*. So do not email me saying
that I can't type, or flaming me saying that my grammar is at fault :)
Because, gosh darnit, I *AM* perfect!
Min S. Kwon